Najważniejsze rozwiązania dla biznesu.
"Wdrożenie technologi i urządzenie leczenie warrozy u pszczół" - projekt w ramach schematu Technologie przyjazne środowisku programu "Rozwój Przedsiębiorczości i Innnowacje" współfinansowany ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2014-2011.
„Wdrożenie modelu biznesowego internacjonalizacji celem podwyższenia konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa ABERIT na rynku brytyjskim i amerykańskim” współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia 2014-2020, Oś Priorytetowa I: Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia, Działanie 1.2 Internacjonalizacja MŚP.
"Wdrożenie innowacji procesowej w firmie ABERIT Piotr Bereziewicz, poprzez wdrożenie oprogramowania do ewidencjonowania pracy, jako sposób przeciwdziałania skutkom pandemii COVID -19 lub innym podobnym tego typu zdarzeniom" w ramach działania 6.2. Wsparcie MŚP w obszarze cyfryzacji - Bony na cyfryzację Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.
It has beed decided, you want a new website. Are you wondering now who can help you? Probably, you are thinking about collaboration with an interactive agency but the multitude of positions and division of resposibilities is completely unclear to you. You don’t know where to go and who to talk to. Don’t worry! Of course Aberit has its own segregation of duties, it simply makes working process go smoothly. But in a minute you will see that our agency is not that complicated as it seems from the outside.
Let’s start at the beginning. You have an amazing idea but you don’t know who is the right person to turn to. We have the answer! A New Business Manager is responsible for the direct contact with the client and after analyzing many factors (environment, market, potential consumers, etc) he will prepare you the best offer. Do you want to haggle? Discussing further terms of cooperation you have the best opportunity to do this.
Ok, the best conditions have been established, now what? During the negotiation you have already meet a Project Manager, a professional in the field of project management. His strategic role is to plan, organize and create clear project objectives. Let me put this in practical terms. Imagine a person cracking the whip on the rest of the team all day long… This is what it looks like. 😉
A Project Manager divides activities among more than one team member. Generally, it is a Copywriter who starts the project development. Copywriting is a process of preparing marketing texts conveyed through online media and print materials. Tempting and catchy words have the real power to make people do the things you want them to do. It sounds interesting, isn’t it? The products from copywriters appear in our lives constantly and have direct impact on our buying decisions.
When the texts are ready, Copywriter passes the baton to a Web Designer. What are his responsibilities? He will plan, design and create your dream website. A Web Designer translates your needs into structured website concepts. A mixture of creativity, extraordinary taste and great experience of our Web Designer will sweep you off your feet!
When the graphic project is accepted, it goes to a Front-end Developer. His strategic role is to implement elements that users see in a client-server software application. So basically, a Front-end Programmer is an important bridge between the final outcome and behind-the-scene activities. He is responsible for bringing together the graphic work with the structure created by a Back-end Developer. What does he do? A Back-end Developer deals with the logic of server-side application and masters C++, C#, Java and another high-level programming languages. Thanks to him you will be able to organize, delete as well as efficiently modify content. His work will make your work easier.
But it’s not the end of Aberit’s workers! Additionally we had a Tester, who monitor the implementation of our projects. Admittedly, we have never ever make a mistake, but hypothetically speaking… If we had made one, our Tester would have correted us immidiatelly!
What next? Your project falls into SEO Expert’s hands. Search engine optimization is the process of making you site more visible and highly ranked by a search engine. Additionally, it increases the chance that your page will be found by your customers. Now you really want to benefit from our SEO Expert, don’t you?
The last but definitely not least step to create your dream website is implementation. We will upload your site to the hosting provider and we will choose the best domain together. When your website comes into being, we will provide the training and instruct you how to administer your website. You are free to enjoy our final outcome now and we will contact you when the software would need an update.
Now you understand why so many people have to cooperate to create your dream website. Our team of experts with wide range of skills and great experience in their fields is here to help you.
Please, get in touch with us and tell us, what we can do for you!